What should i buy:
Halo 3
Call of duty4
saints row 2
rainbow six vegas2
brothers in arms
mp5 (spring)
light up shoes :3
a hat?
drinks (not beer '_')
yur mom
yur dad
yur brother
yur aunt
yur uncle
yur grandmother
yur grandfather
yur computer
i dont know
more stuff
even more stuff
things for yur stuff
stuff for yur things
yur cusin
yur friend
go away
more things for yur stuff
everything fur nuthing
shrek the halls
yur babies
yur girlfriend
the christmas carol
santa clause three
santa clause two
sabta clause
teenage mutan ninja turtles
diego playset
dora the explora season two
dora the explora playset
dora the explora game
dora the explora head makeup thingy
dora the explora make out doll
dora the explora toy doll
dora the explora tv show
dora the explora herself
a knife to kill dora the explora
yur candies
transformers movie
transformer bumble bee
transformer rachet
transformer megatron
transformer starscream
transformer that big oll guy
transformer black out
transformer playset
a training potty (i still dont know how to poop)
a stroller
a toy rocket
sum glasses
a bag
a thing1
a thing2
a grenade
a rattle
a pasafire
a sex toy
baby tools
baby toys (lolololololololololololololololol)
spray paint
a retard helmet
a check book
a christmas tree (fake)
a dead deer
toys i guess
more things
ng shirt
error shirt
ng collectibles
more things from ng store
ng store itself
or should i save mah money!?!?
or buy more stuf ooohohohohohohoohohohooh
i wouldnt buy any airsofts guns under 150 dollars and rainbow 6 vegas 2 sucks sucks i deefinatly recamend call of duty 4 eve though call of duty 5 is coming out soon